1. Ten years ago (at the oh-so-young age of 23) I would have never imagined my life would be where it is now. Four states and three teaching certifications later, I wouldn't change a single thing about it! I truly believe that life is about the journey, not the destination.
2. I love that as I get older, my relationship with my mom gets better! We've always had a great relationship, but it's been neat to watch it evolve into more of a friendship.
3. I really enjoy New Age wine. If I could drink it every night without guilt or feeling like arse the next day, I would. Does this make me a wanna-be alcoholic??
4. I find myself watching shows like Biggest Loser and Thintervention and thinking that I need to really jump on the healthy lifestyle bandwagon instead of dragging behind it holding on with one hand. Then I go and make a pan of brownies in a moment of self-pity. SIGH
5. I miss working. Don't get me wrong, I love being home with Miss K and am blessed that we are in the position for me to be able to stay home, but I do miss working.
6. I am slowly realizing that I don't have a lot of self motivation or accountability when it comes to my fitness. Is it bad that I need someone to hold me accountable? Any takers? Inquire within.
7. I am really excited for our trip to NYC in November. Big Poppa and I are going for our 8th anniversary and it will be the first trip that we are both away from Miss K overnight. I love NYC but have never been there in the fall so I am super excited!
8. Glee. No other commentary needed. I am a GLEEK!
9. Did you know that I am now 33, and have never been to Las Vegas? Is that wrong?
10. Staying at home, I am getting more into the whole cooking thing, but I feel bad taking it away from Big Poppa. My idea of cooking dinner involves recipes and planning while Big Poppa's idea is a meat, veggie, and starch. He's always been the cook and enjoyed it, but I think there might be a non-hostile takeover soon.
11. I am planning Miss K's first birthday party and really have no clue what I'm doing. We're doing a Winter "One"derland theme, but event planner I am not. Any pointers or ideas are much appreciated!
12. Miss K has been going to a Mother's Morning Out two days a week for about a month now and while I said I was going to relax and enjoy myself during that time, the reality is that I use that time to clean. I am still trying to come up with a daily cleaning schedule so that I don't have to marathon clean, but it hasn't happened yet.
13. Speaking of marathon....I have had to pull out of Disney in January. Between the move and the constant nag in my left knee (that showed up post-Miss K), there is no way I'll be ready. My original goal was to run one by the time I turn 35 so I still have some time.
14. I am actually scared to have a second child because Miss K is such a good kid! She is incredibly easy-going and I don't know if I could handle anything different! Some would say this is a sure sign that I'm not ready for another one. I whole-heartedly agree.
15. I'm in a clothing funk. I only like a few pieces of clothing in my closet, but when you don't pull in an income, it's hard to justify buying new clothes that aren't really necessary. I have however devised a plan on how to make them necessary- I need to get my butt in gear and lose the 20 pounds I need to lose. Again, accountability nazi needed.
16. Are you still awake? We're only halfway there!
17. I think caffeine should be categorized with meth, crank, and crack cocaine. I am an addict.
18. Sister Wives. Intriguing show. A lot of questions arise for me from this show... If Kody rotates every four nights with his wives, does he really have "you know what" every night? Think about it. The show is like a train wreck. I can't help watching.
19. I don't drink near as much water as I should. I know that this is an essential key to dropping weight, but I don't drink a lot during the day to begin with. Plus, Diet Dr. Pepper tastes so much better!
20. I love our new neighborhood! So far, everyone is so much fun! Great ladies and lots of fun!!
21. One thing I do want to do better (or need to do better) is keep in touch with friends. Since we have moved so much, I have some wonderful friends scattered among a few states. I unfortunately let life take over and don't keep up with friends like I should.
22. To piggyback on previous, I really want to put myself out there to meet more people here! We've been in Casa de D since July and I can't make any more excuses. My only thoughts are going up to people that look like fun and asking them is they want to be my friend. What do you think? It works on playgrounds!!
23. I notice I use WAY too many exclamation marks. Sorry!!!!
24. I seriously can't wait for Breaking Dawn to come out. I read the Twilight series last summer after a lot of resistance and was hooked.
25. Miss K has just cut her 8th tooth. She'll be 10 months on the 25th. I think that's a lot of teeth for her age.. am I wrong?
26. It's been awhile since I've had a really good laugh. Like the laugh that makes your stomach hurt. I need to have one of those soon, I love them. Any takers?
27. I really hate to clean bathrooms. If I could hire someone to just clean my bathrooms once a week, I would. With 4 of them to clean, I dread it four times as much. I don't mind all the other cleaning, just bathrooms.
28. I recently got a gel manicure for the first time. I've heard how great they are and decided to try it. LOVE IT! I'm on week 2 of the manicure and they look like I just got them done. And I am not easy on my hands. Definitely worth it, no?
29. I know you are all wondering how my Zumba-ing is going!! It's getting easier, but I haven't been going as much as I want because the girl I like only teaches on Tues/Thurs and those days I have been walking 5 miles with my friend E and her little one. Honestly, I enjoy our walks more and feel just as good!
30. I miss the fab frozen yogurt place back in NC. The fro-yo places here don't compare. Getting the daily flavor updates on Facebook makes me sad and miss it even more.
31. Big Poppa sent me flowers today for my birthday. I'm not a flowery-type girl so he knows not to waste spend money on them, but when he does send them, it makes me smile.
32. Miss K is SOO close to walking on her own! She loves to walk while holding our hands or holding on to things and she can stand on her own. As soon as I step away for her to step towards me, she sits down. It's too cute!
33. The last one is a picture. Of the two most important people in my life. I love these two with all my being.
A pretty good reason to enjoy birthdays, don't you think??
Happy Birthday!!!! Love the post. I need some motivation and accountability, too, but I think we're a bit far away to make that work! I love a good laugh. I was trying to think of things that might make you laugh.... think about the girls next door (the other side of me and H) in the dorm that used to blare that "when you touch me like this, when you hold me like that" song... over and over and over. :) Not great for a belly laugh, but for some reason that came to mind and gave me a good giggle. Hope 33 is a GREAT year for you!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I love this post also and all the fun facts. I am happy to be your Mama Nazi and encourage you to join TNT as an easy way to feel VERY accountable to working out. Plus, it insures a trip to Florida in April. :)
Love you!
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