Tuesday, September 6, 2011

School Days

This is our "new" smile!
Today was Miss K's first day at school!  She has been so excited about going to to "skeww" this last week, that's all she's been talking about.  Last Monday night, Big Poppa and I had Parent's Night where we went and met her teachers and got to talk and ask questions sans kiddos.  We used the need of our babysitter that night as an impromptu date night and headed out to dinner at Marlow's Tavern beforehand (culinary swoon).  It was kinda fun and sad to be the parent and not the teacher, but guess who got sucked into being the room mom? Yep, that'd be me!  So, in true room mom fashion, I hit the ever trusty Pintrest to find the cah-u-test gifts for the first day of school!

I think they turned out pretty cute see as how they were soooo easy to make!  Thanks to Pintrest, I now have enough year round teacher gifts to get us to at least middle school!  :) 

I was a little worried about Miss K and school this year because we have her going 3 days.  Last year (for half the year) she went to MMO two days a week and by the end of the year was a total rock star!  We were originally going to keep her in the MMO program she was in again this year since her birthday is Christmas Day and she won't be 2 until then, but through a friend we found an awesome preschool that has a class for 18-23 months.  This is a bit more of a structured program with circle time, music class, etc but is still 9-1 like MMO.  Big Poppa and I went back and forth on whether or not to keep her in just 2 days a week because I'm not ready for her to go 4 days but decided to send her 3 days a week because this momma needs a break.  It's fun because there are only 5 kids in each of her classes and her teachers are the same.  **I'm just going to once again give MAD props to all the single moms out there.  I'm pretty much a single parent about half the month and I can tell you what- by the end of the week when Big Poppa is out of town, I'm about to lose my you -know-what.  It's flippin' hard with no family to help out. (Maga, no pressure to move to the ATL:)  That's why when people ask when we are going to have another one, I instantly start breaking out in hives before they can finish their sentence!

Miss K had an incredible day today and was so cute when I picked her up and she said "Hi, Mommy" like it was no big deal that I had been gone 4 hours.  (Well, really only 3 since I had to wait an hour for a locksmith to come unlock my car because I locked my keys in the car trying to get everything to her classroom in one trip this morning.  One hour and $65 of my life I'll never get back.  Le sigh)
Tomorrow you can bet that I will not be locking my doors when I drop her off!

With her teachers at Open House

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