Monday, June 21, 2010

Big Momma!!

So I just recently ordered a gazillion prints from my Shutterfly account that go all the way back to the beginning of my pregnancy.  I know, I know... slacker mommy is in the house.  Anyways, we took pictures every 4 weeks or so of my belly throughout the pregnancy but I stopped at 36 weeks.  Even then, I only took one because my sister wouldn't quit bugging me about seeing the belly (love ya M!).   By that point, I was pretty much over being pregnant.  Don't get me wrong, I probably had the easiest pregnancy known to mankind- no morning sickness, hormones relatively in check, only gained 27 pounds, and all that jazz.  But I remember around week 37 or so being so uncomfortable and calling my mom on the way home from school and crying that I just wanted to not be pregnant anymore!  I prefaced the comment with how bad I felt even thinking that, more the less saying it.  I know that there are plenty of women who would give their right arm just to be able to get pregnant and trust me, I can empathize on a certain level.  We struggled for 2 years, through a miscarriage, and Clomid before being blessed with Miss K.  But I think at some point, every pregnant woman hits the "this rodeo ain't fun anymore" wall!!  Looking back, no wonder I was miserable...I was ginormous!  I knew I waddled instead of walked, and I knew I had a big belly; but when you look in the mirror, you still don't see it from a third person perspective.  Until you see it in a picture.  I didn't know until recently that Big Poppa took a picture of me (from the side) the morning we checked in to the hospital (Christmas Eve morning) to be induced.  Holy baby, Batman!  I was freakin' huge!!!  I am SO glad that I was unaware at how big I really was those last few days because I was already a raving lunatic.  Being 8 days overdue before they finally have room to bring you in will do that to a person.  In crazy snow.  During the holidays.  Carrying a very large baby.  I can't believe that all this was almost 6 months ago. 

                                            Do you see where my legs are in relation to my belly?!!
                                                                          (and yes, that IS a maternity shirt!)

This would be why I was so huge!!  9lbs 2oz and 22 inches, and absolutely beautiful!

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