Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Great Wreath Debate...ending with a DIY!!!

I've always loved wreaths on my front door, but have never been one to really change out my wreaths.  I had my standard year round wreath and then maybe a Christmas wreath.  When we moved into Casa de D last year, one of things that I loved about it was the double front doors.  With double front doors though, comes the debate of double wreaths, or just one?  Our hood is pretty divided...about half do 2 wreaths and half only do one.  I've only done one so far, but I am tempted to jump over to the double side! 
With that being said, I've bought a few new wreaths since last summer.  I'm a strange hybrid of minimalist meets over-the-top when it comes to choosing a wreath, so it makes it somewhat difficult when looking for new ones.  I have also not been blessed with the cute wreath making gene, so while I have these grandiose ideas in my head, they never really come to fruition.  Until now. Thanks to pintrest (a life sucker) and twitterverse, I decided to take a stab and make a Texas Tech ribbon wreath for football season.  I was lucky enough to score some Texas Tech grosgrain ribbon a few years ago and wanted that to be the highlight of the wreath. 
I got the wire wreath from my money-sucking craft store that is closed on Sundays.  I think it was $2.50 for the size I needed.  I had some ribbon, but also picked up several more spools of various reds, blacks, and whites (in total, I think I used nine or ten different patterns/colors).  Then, it was time to get started!

I started with cutting 24 pieces of each ribbon at about 8 inches long. There are 8 sections to the wreath, so that gave me three of each ribbon per section to begin with.  I didn't want to cut too many to begin with, but I did add more eventually.  I will say that I did not trim my ribbon ends before making the wreath, I did all of that at the end so you'll notice that the next few pictures all the ribbons are blunt cut. I think that was a time saver, because as you tie and pull at the ribbons, they'll fray.  The OCD in me wanted to fray check all of the ends, but the practical me stopped from doing that!

I continued to tie my ribbons in somewhat of a pattern within each section, using the thicker ribbons first.  Because I was using a lot of what I already have, I think my thickest ribbon was 1 1/2".  In my opinion, it was plenty thick especially when tying the ribbon.  I alternated tying the ribbons between the inner and outer middle rings with the thicker ribbons.  Once I got to the thinner ribbons and the Texas Tech ribbon, I was bit more strategic in placing them in the more noticeable holes.

Here's the final product, hanging on the door!  In hindsight, I could have perhaps made it fuller by maybe using more ribbon, but I do think for my first one, it turned out pretty good! 

Here's a closer look at how I trimmed the ends.  I just cut them all at various angles, no notch cuts.  I think waiting to do this until the end also allowed me to trim the ribbons I felt necessary to help with the fluffing of the wreath. 
All in all, it took about an hour and half to make this one wreath.  I bought two wreath forms in anticipation of making two, but I don't know.  What do y'all or two?


Anonymous said...

Hi Heather! It's really cute, but I definitely vote for two wreaths!

Nancy said...

How cute & creative! I must try!!

nursenicoletx said...

Very cute even if it is Red and Black ;0) and I definitely vote for two!

emilaya said...

Absolutely adorable! I'm making this for my little sister (she's a junior at Texas tech!!!) I think this will look great hanging on her door. Of course I'll have to make one for each of the family members! Such an awesome idea I'm so glad I randomly found it (a year after you shared it!!!)

Anonymous said...

I think it is really cute. My granddaughter is going to Texas Tech this fall and I am going to try to make one for her dorm room door. Great job!