Sunday, May 2, 2010

Run Forrest, Run!!!

I mentioned in one of my earlier posts that I am trying to fall back in love with running again.  Pre-Miss K, I was running three to four miles a day during the week and then a long run on the weekends, usually 6 or 7 miles.  For some of you reading this, my long runs are your daily runs.  But for those of you that know me, I have never been a runner.  Ever.  However, it's always something I've been envious of and really wanted to be good at.  I also had this crazy dream to run a marathon before I turned 35.  And ever since hitting the milestone birthday of the big 3-0 a few years ago I decided that I just needed to do it.  So I did.  I found a women's running club and joined their 5K school.  After a few months of what felt like self-torture, I was getting pretty good at it.  Mmmm, that's maybe exaggerating a bit.  I was getting comfortable with it and actually enjoying it, but I wasn't committed.  I found plenty of excuses not to run when I didn't feel like it. 

During this time, Big Poppa and I were trying to get pregnant.  We tried unsuccessfully for two years.  After a miscarriage in November 2008, my doctor decided to do some tracking and testing and we realized we (I) needed some help so we (I) started Clomid that following January.  We found out we were pregnant in April and had Miss K on Christmas Day.  What in the WORLD does this have to do with running????  Well, it's what started my running journey.  I started running seriously after my miscarriage as an outlet to be able to think.  And cry.  Alone.  Those runs allowed me to run out my frustrations and it gave me a purpose when running.   Somewhat cliché, yes?  But slowly my purpose changed from a way to grieve and run away to enjoyment.  Through that process I learned to enjoy running.  Plus the fact that my legs looked outstanding and I was able to drop about twenty pounds was just icing on the proverbial cake.  When we found out we were pregnant with Miss K, I had to stop running per my doctor's orders.  My heart rate has always been high when I run and she didn't want me to overdo it.

That leads me to today.  I had been itching to get back out and run since before I had Miss K.  Once I got the go ahead from my doctor, I slowly started back on the dreadmill at the gym.  Not my fav, but what can you do when it's piss cold and rainy which is what the weather was until about a month ago.  I knew that it was going to be a struggle to get my running mojo back after pretty much a year of not running.  I was actually scared to start again because I knew that I would have to go through that hump of falling in love and that I now have many more excuses to not go for a run.  Knowing that I wasn't going to have my running club to help get me through this transition, I called Liz, AKA my running Yoda for help.  Liz is the brilliant owner of Janes On the Run, the fabulous women's running club that helped me fall love the first time.  If anyone was going to be able to help me the second time around, it was Liz.  I explained my situation and goals to her and after a meeting over breakfast I felt reassured and ready to run!  She has drafted me a new base building plan through July to regain my original running base, and then....wait for it......I start training for my first marathon in August!!!  You got it!  I am signed up to run the Walt Disney World Marathon on January 11, 2011!!  Two years before my goal. 

I have just finished my first week back in the program, and I must say it feels great!  Not great like I pink puffy heart it great, but I think I'm getting my mojo back.  I will keep you updated as I rekindle the flame and get ready to kick some Mickey butt!  Here's a quote from author/runner John Bingham that I have always found encouraging.  If you're looking for inspiration and motivation to start running, I highly recommend his book, No Need for Speed: A Beginner's Guide to the Joy of Running.  A must read for any beginning runner!

                “The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start.”
                                                                                                -John Bingham

Run on friends, run on!!!


Julia said...

I'm so proud of you and TOTALLY feel what you are going through. I can already see you crossing the finish line. Keep it up and if you want someone to run with down here let me know.... :)

Sarahviz said...

I absolutely love this post of yours and can totally sense your motivation - awesome!